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In the spring of 2013 the Kaminski Arena Board conducted a strategic planning session to help guide the direction for the future operation of this important community facility.  Below is an overview of the strategic direction agreed to by arena board members, town of Churchbridge representatives, user groups, and community members.

Vision Statement

To have a welcoming, well maintained arena operating on a stable financial budget, run by a strong volunteer base that generates revenue for facility enhancements in an effort to provide year round recreational opportunities for the community of Churchbridge.

Strategic Initiatives

Six areas of reponsiblity were recognized during the planning session where effort needs to occur for successful operation of the facility.  Those six areas are:

  1. Proactive maintenance

  2. Increased programming

  3. Increasing volunteerism

  4. More cash

  5. Stable financial planning

  6. Facility Enhancements


Those areas of responsiblity has result in the creation of five subcommittees.  The arena board is looking for more people to help with the subcommittees.  If you would like to help out please contact any member of the arena board executive.

  • Maintenance and Improvements

  • Finance and Budgeting

  • Communication and Programming

  • Volunteer Coordination

  • Fundraising


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